I believe that everyone who wants to can feel completely at home. Inside, in and with yourself, and in the world around you. To be home, inside and out. By going inside, healing what must be healed, clearing, letting go of what is not right (anymore) and feel. Feel very well and learn to trust that. That is how you learn to navigate through and with life. Inside & out.

I am Chantal Bruijsten, Polyenergetic therapist and coach, Fertility coach, Child in mind worker, HypnoBirthing teacher and expert by experience. I’m spiritual and super practical. I love logic, but also everything that is intangible. And I combine my intellect and analytical abilities with my strong intuition.

I can teach you a lot about what nutrition, yoga, breathing and relaxation can do for you. Above all, I help you to go inside, to follow your own gut feelings, to dare to feel, to heal yourself, to get to know yourself inside and out and to feel at home there. Totally, as a thinking and feeling human being in this world and as a spiritual being.

Read my story hereMy journey to Being Home Inside & Out

What I offer

In my work I combine practical and logics with emotions and spirituality. By clicking on the links below you can read more about the different things I do.

Coaching Chantal Bruijsten


I help you to come home. In yourself, with yourself, with the world around you. And with that comes inner peace and the ability to achieve what you want to achieve. Read more…

Chantal Bruijsten Fertiliteit Zwangerschap

Fertility and pregnancy

Wish parents and pregnant women, two groups in which I am specialized and with whom I have achieved great results. More about fertility… More about pregnancy…

Kinderwens afstemming Zwanger worden enzo

Child in mind attunements

On a distance I make contact with your soul, your child (living or dead) or of your future child (in your belly or not yet conceived). Insight, healing and transformation. Read more…

Chantal Bruijsten Spanje


Would you like to experience some time away and make a huge leap inwards and outwards at the same time? You are welcome at our finca in Spain. Read more…


Interview Marjolein & Joyce
Marjolein followed the Holistic Fertility Program in 2022/2023 and ...
Olga shared her experience
Olga followed the fertility course with me. She used all the advices ...
Charlotte shares her experience
Charlotte followed the fertility course with me because they needed ...
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I experienced Chantal as a calm and understanding therapist. Her expertise and tenacity opened unexpected doors that led to understanding and a change of consciousness.

Chantal, wow! What you have written resonates completely with me. Really everything! And so felt Yordy

Every time I was deeply impressed by things that I had hidden away in my subconscious.

Thank you for this special attunement. Wow, how apt it is for our son Mart! Very special and especially touching how you describe the contact with him.

A little taste of what I do

Do you want a little ‘taste’ of what I do? Click here for free videos and sound files.

Free strategy session

Would you like to have a chat about which steps to take to solve your problems, please contact me for a free strategy session

Gift for wishparents

When you are trying to get pregnant and this doesn’t go that easy, you can have many questions. Specifically for everyone struggling with this, I made a Holistic Guide with The 5 Most Important Questions about Fertility Problems Answered.